What is PTA and what does it do?
Barrow Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a nonprofit organization connected to Georgia PTA at the state level. It is a way for parents, family members, teachers and staff of Barrow Elementary School to work together to support learning and education at our school. It is also a great way for parents to meet other parents outside of the classroom setting. Barrow has a long history of creating and working hard to maintain a strong community feeling within the school, and PTA works to support that community spirit.
Do we have to join PTA to participate?
Everyone is welcome at all PTA meetings and events, and membership is free. PTA information is distributed to all families, teachers and staff. We hope each family will consider participating in our PTA.
How do I join PTA?
Membership is voluntary and is free for each family at Barrow.
If I sign up for PTA, do I have to join a committee?
No – we all have a number of things going on in our lives, and some years are busier than others. In a particular year, you may not have time to participate in everything a committee does – you may choose to volunteer at a one-time, specific activity instead, or you may decide to make a donation. You may also decide to volunteer in some other way at Barrow – in your child’s classroom, in an enrichment cluster, in the media center, etc. We appreciate all volunteers – PTA is one avenue to volunteer.
What specific programs and events does PTA support?
Barrow PTA is fortunate to have amazing, dedicated parent and teacher leaders for our various committees and events. Committee chairs work with their teams throughout the year on events that either raise money for Barrow needs, or create opportunities for students, parents and teachers/staff to interact outside the classroom in meaningful ways. Most committee chairs started by volunteering for a specific committee or event. Click HERE to read more about each committee.
2022-2023 Officers:
Ashley Steele, President
Katherine Boley, Vice President
Jenny McCallan, Treasurer
Cricket Hafer, Recording Secretary
Natalie French, Social Media Secretary